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Shirtless Bear-Fighter Vinyl Figure by Skelton Crew Studio

Shirtless Bear-Fighter Vinyl Figure by Skelton Crew Studio – Standard Edition & No Pants Beariant

Our friends at Skelton Crew Studio have been putting out some amazing, officially licensed comic book merchandise the past few years, and they especially knock it out of the park on their vinyl figures! What The Blot loves the most about their releases is that they often collab with comic book creators you may not expect (but are always so happy that they did). A perfect example of this is the epic Shirtless Bear-Fighter vinyl figure based on the Image comic book of the same name (seen here) by creators Jody LeHeup, Sebastian Girner and Nil Vendrell.

Shirtless Bear-Fighter Vinyl Figure by Skelton Crew Studio – Standard Edition & No Pants Beariant

The Shirtless Bear-Fighter is currently available in two timed editions, a Standard Edition and a No Pants Beariant with pixilated junk! Yes, one figure comes in his trademark torn jeans and belt rope, while one comes with 100% less pants and trademark dixilation. How insanely awesome is that variant!?!? Each figure stands 8.5” tall, features three points of articulation (shoulders and waist), and comes packaged in an individually hand numbered box.

Shirtless Bear-Fighter Vinyl Figure by Skelton Crew Studio – Standard Edition & No Pants Beariant

Fans of the fantastic Shirtless Bear-Fighter comic book series can order these collectible figures now at the Skelton Crew Studios online store for $44 each or as a two figure set for $84. The final run size of these figures will be set by the number of orders placed. And if you can get your order in by July 1st, all orders will include a FREE 12” plush “bear skin” rug for the Shirtless Bear-Fighter to lounge on. Can you say best accessory ever?

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